HPC+MPI on RCE Podcast

Written by   on May 01, 2015

In the latest episode of the RCE podcast, Jeff Squyres, Brock Palen, and I spoke about the HPC and MPI series of blogposts and the community reaction.

It was a really interesting discussion; Brock has worked closely with an enormous variety of researchers and helps run an HPC centre, while Jeff deeply understands HPC networking, from the getting ones and zeros onto the wires at the lowest-level of hardware up to being an extremely active member of the MPI forum.

I was really pleased that they asked me to join them; I’ve been listening to their show since at least the VisIt episode in 2009 (I had just missed the Hadoop episode, it turns out) and for some years they were the only big computing podcast around.

If you were interested in the MPI discussion, you might want to listen to this most recent episode; if you’re interested in big computing software projects more broadly, you should definitely consider subscribing to the podcast.
